

  • 新调整的绩效评估周期

    To ensure we are equitably evaluating and rewarding outstanding work among our faculty and staff, 我们正在修改我们的绩效评估流程. The new performance review cycle will result in an aligned and equitable procedure for both faculty and staff, 确保所有DU的持续成就.

    几年来, the University has operated with two separate performance cycles: the academic cycle (July 1 – June 30), 择优周期(10月1日至9月30日). 使用两个循环会造成混乱, 偏差, 不一致, 并且在反馈和价值之间脱节. Moving forward, we have decided to condense these cycles into one performance timeline. Having one performance cycle across the University will create better efficiencies, 预算调整, 和认可.



All benefited staff members participate in the ca88登录正确网址的绩效管理 program, designed to encourage regular conversations with a focus on employee development. 杜克大学的绩效管理课程包括:



Performance planning includes three parts: setting job goals and objectives, 回顾五种能力, 制定职业发展计划. Performance planning is done at the beginning of the performance year. Goals help make sure that what you're doing aligns with the organization's mission and priorities.


Quarterly check-ins give employees and managers an opportunity to discuss the status of goals and accomplishments thus far, explore and understand priorities for the remainder of the year, 并讨论发展计划的进展情况. It allows managers to give specific feedback and coaching, as well as provide a general sense of how performance is being measured without assigning ratings. An important part of the quarterly conversations is to recognize an employee's contributions.


The year-end performance review is the formal performance assessment for the year. The purpose of a year-end assessment is to review achievements against goals and competencies, 庆祝你的成功, and document the progress you have made on your development plan. It also helps to ensure that all employees are fairly assessed, 有成就感吗, and clearly understand how their accomplishments have helped drive DU's strategic plan, IMPACT 2025.



The ca88登录正确网址的绩效管理 program is housed on our talent management platform, Talent@DU. Each of the yearly tasks listed above will be communicated to all employees and managers through system-generated reminders when:

  • 已启动任务
  • 一项任务五天后到期
  • 一项任务已经过期一天了
  • 一项任务已经过期30天了
  • 一项任务已逾期60分钟
  • 一项任务已逾期90天
  • 一项任务已逾期120天


  • 我应该如何准备我的绩效评估?

    工作人员, please take time to revisit your Performance Plan goals in Talent@DU before April 1 and adjust if needed. Adjustments could include changing the language of a written goal to make it reflect what you can accomplish this year. If you want to roll your goal over until next year, you do not need to adjust it in the system.

  • What Is the Minimum Number of Goals Required for Evaluation?

    Staff and supervisors should strive to set between three and five goals total. Goals should be tied to one or more of the strategic imperatives as much as possible. 目标应该明确, realistic, measurable, time-bound, and related to the employee's role and responsibilities. Fewer well written goals are preferable to numerous goals that simply restate existing job duties and responsibilities.

  • What if I Cannot Modify My Goals to Be Completed by March 31?

    It is not uncommon that some goals may remain incomplete. Both the supervisor and employee should discuss these goals to understand why they were not completed, 如果它们仍然相关的话, and whether their time frames should be adjusted to carry them into the next plan year. This does not necessarily reflect a performance deficiency. Both the supervisor and employee should document the status of these goals in the performance review meeting.

  • When Will I See My Merit Increase Reflected in My Paycheck?

    The increase affects payroll periods that begin on or after July 1, 2022.

























  • What if I Am a Staff Member Who Disagrees with my Evaluation?

    Disagreement regarding a final performance evaluation may be disputed via the Employee Grievance Process (Policy 3.10.060) solely if the grievance is based on an incorrect material fact in the performance evaluation. If the disagreement of a performance evaluation or rating is based on subjective factors, the employee may submit a rebuttal and have it attached to the overall performance rating. Supervisors and employees may also contact their HR Partners to discuss the situation and determine the best approach to resolve it.

  • What Will the New Performance Review Period Be for All Employees?

    The new annual review period will be April 1 through March 31.
