合规 & 补偿政策

的 benefited staff compensation program is designed to provide salary opportunities that are market competitive 和 internally equitable to enable DU to attract, 保留, 让我们的员工参与进来. 制定指导方针是为了确保一致性, 透明度, 以及未来可持续的薪酬计划. Our compensation guidelines are a useful resource for business officers 和 supervisors in determining the compensation for a new role, 为现有员工制定薪酬决策.




联邦 & 国家规定

Click below to review the latest updates regarding State 和 联邦 laws regarding compensation 和 wages:


  • New Fair Labor St和ards Act Rule for White-Collar Job 免除ions from Overtime Pay – March, 2019


    In 2019, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed updates to the regulations governing the exemption of executive, 行政, 和 专业 employees from the minimum wage 和 加班工资 protections of the Fair Labor St和ards Act of 1938 (FLSA).

    FLSA是规定最低工资的联邦法律, 加班费资格, 记录, 和 child labor st和ards affecting full-time 和 part-time workers in the private sector 和 in federal, 状态, 地方政府.

    美国劳工部于2019年3月7日发布了一份拟议规则制定的通知. 的 new minimum salary threshold to be eligible for 加班工资 has been set at $35,568 per year. 之前的门槛是每年23660美元. 这意味着工资高达35,308美元的员工有资格获得加班费.


    的 new rule changes the federal guidelines for 加班工资 requirements under FLSA for higher education institutions along with all other organizations. As with most federal regulations, it will take time to fully underst和 the impact of this rule. So, while it's too soon to talk about specific impacts to individual positions within units, we will be meeting with division/unit leaders 和 sharing information as it relates to their units.


    Here are some articles 和 websites that give you some idea of the complexity around this change while helping you underst和 it better.

  • 公平劳动标准法

    公平劳动标准法 联邦法律规定了最低工资吗, 加班工资, 保留记录, 和 youth employment st和ards affecting full-time 和 part-time workers in the private sector 和 in 联邦, 州和地方政府.

    COMPS订单#38 is the 状态 law (Colorado Overtime 和 Minimum Pay St和ards Order (COMPS Order)) that regulates wages, 小时, 工作条件, 和 procedures for private employers 和 employees for work performed within Colorado.

    • 联邦政府规定了豁免地位的工资门槛, but local 和 状态 governments may set their own (as is the situation with COMPS订单#38) in which case, 工资中最高者占优. 见工资豁免门槛表.

    非豁免vs豁免 – 的 FLSA overtime rule determines whether positions are eligible or exempt from 加班工资. 工作职责决定豁免地位,而不是职位头衔.

    非豁免 – non-exempt positions must be paid time 和 one-half of the regular rate of pay for any work more than: (1) forty 小时 per workweek (Monday – Sunday), (2)每个工作日十二小时, or (3) twelve consecutive 小时 without regard to the starting 和 ending time of the workday (excluding duty free meal periods), 以较多付工资者为准. 参考: 科罗拉多州劳动和就业部

    免除 - exempt positions are not eligible for 加班工资 for 小时 worked over 40 in a workweek 和 must qualify by meeting certain criteria:

    1. Be paid a salary above a certain level (see 薪金豁免门槛 chart); 和
    2. 通过职务测试.

    *通过职责测试通常是在行政部门工作完成的, 行政, 专业, 或者计算机角色.

    Certain position categories need not receive any particular salary to be classified as exempt. 这些包括:

    1. Teachers 和 coaches if their primary duty is teaching, tutoring, instructing or lecturing.
    2. Positions practicing law or medicine if they hold a valid license or certificate 和 are engaged in such a practice.

    补偿 will review job descriptions 和 is the final approver on determining exemption status for all jobs.

  • 更多信息- FLSA
  • 同工同酬

    同工同酬法案 SB19-085 (EPEW) was signed into Colorado law in May of 2019 和 implemented in January of 2021.  执行《ca88登录正确网址》是为了进一步纠正基于性别的薪酬差距, 或者性别与另一种受保护状态相结合, 从事类似工作的员工. 


    • 张贴所有就业机会, 至少在内部是这样, 不包括临时, 临时, 以及职业发展晋升.
    • 贴出每个工作机会的薪资范围.
    • Keep job descriptions 和 wage history for each employee while employed 和 for two years after termination. 


    • 从潜在员工那里了解工资历史.
    • 依靠先前的工资率来确定工资率的.
    • Discrimination against or retaliation against a prospective employee for failing to disclose previous wage history.
    • 卸货 or retaliating against an employee for asserting the rights established by the EPEW Act.
    • 卸货, 管教, 歧视, 或者以其他方式干扰员工询问, 披露, 或者讨论员工的工资率.


    • 被选中获得工作机会的候选人的名字.
    • 的 selected c和idate’s former job title if that individual was an internal hire.
    • 被选中的候选人的新职位.
    • Information on how employees may demonstrate interest in applying for similar jobs in the future.

    Notice need not be given if it will violate a c和idate’s privacy rights or health 和 safety.

    的 yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to complying with the EPEW Act 和 creating a culture of equity 和 透明度.  如果您对EPEW法案有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系 HR.补偿@skygame168.net.

  • 科罗拉多州加班和最低工资标准(COMPS)第38号命令

    11月10日, 2021, the 科罗拉多州劳动和就业部 adopted the Colorado Overtime 和 Minimum Pay St和ards Order #38 (COMPS第38号命令海报和通知) (as a replacement for the previous order #37) 和 made it effective 2022年1月1日. 的 Order provided minimum weekly salary thresholds to meet the “Salary Requirement” rules of the federal Fair Labor St和ards Act for employees to be considered “exempt” from earning overtime. 每年, 2024年之后, moving forward will be based on the previous year’s threshold plus the consumer price index (CPI).





















  • 丹佛最低工资概述

    In 2019, the Colorado legislature enacted a new statute permitting local governments to set a jurisdiction-wide minimum wage. 2019年11月, 丹佛市议会制定了《ca88登录正确网址》第58-16章, 制定丹佛当地的最低工资标准并规定制定的方法, 执行, 顺应新潮流 当地最低工资.










